Friday, November 23, 2007

Podium Discussion: Cosmobile Putzfrauen auf dem unsichtbaren Arbeitsmarkt

Frank John, Maria S. Rerrich, Emilija Mitrovic and
Mary Lou U. Hardillo-Werning in a podium
discussion about situation of domestic workers in
Germany in KultWerk West, Hamburg-Altona
Demand from Babaylan-Germany/ Philippine Women's
Forum e.V.:
Regularization of irregular migrants and recognition
of domestic work as proper work with full and
non-descriminatory employment rights and social

Monday, November 19, 2007

Veranstaltung "Cosmobilen Putzfrauen" Podiumsgespraech

Podiumsdiskussion von Le Monde Diplomatique
Veranstaltung "Cosmobilen Putzfrauen auf dem unsichtbaren
Frauen aus aller Welt putzen Wohnungen in Deutschland.
Sie verlassen ihre Heimat und ihre Familien, um hier
Geld zu verdienen. Maria S. Rerrich fuehrte fur ihr Buch
"Die ganze Welt zu Hause"in Hamburg und Muenchen
interviews mit cosmobilen Putzfrauen und ermoeglicht
einen Einblick in das Leben der zum Teil illegal hier
lebenden Frauen. Kultwerk-Gespraech in Zusammenarbeit
mit Le Monde diplomatique und der Hamburger Edition
mit der Autorin und Soziologin Maria S. Rerrich, Peter Bremme
von der Dienstleistungs-gewerkschaft Verdi und Mary Lou
U. Hardillo-Werning, vom Babaylan-Germany/Philippine
Women's Forum e.V.
Moderation: Frank John
Termin: 22. November, 20.00 Uhr
Ort: Kultwerk West, Grosse Bergstrasse 162
Eintritt 3Euro

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Babaylan Europe Conference in October

In Celebration of its 15th Year, Babaylan Cordially Invites to
a Europe-wide Conference of Filipinas
Theme: Gender Dimensions of Migration and Development*
Empowering Filipinas in Europe – their Participation in
Development Processes in Europe and in the Philippines

October 26-28, 2007
Jugendherberge Köln-Deutz
(Köln-Deutz Station/Deutzer Freiheit)
Siegesstraße 5
Cologne, Germany

Friday, October 26
Ab 15:00 Arrival of Participants from other European Countries
Registration/Getting to Know You/Network Updates/Books Presentation
Saturday, October 27
9:00-12:30 Opening of the Day/Panel DiscussionSpeakers:
Ambassador Delia Domingo-Albert (invited)
Ellene Sana from CenterMigrant Advocacy, Philippines (invited)
Bernice Campos Roldan, Unlad Kabayan, Philippines
Mother Irene Dabalus OSB (invited)

Parallel Workshops
· Development Projects in the Philippines
Gender and Literature in Cultural Context
Gender and Spirituality
Developing Filipina Migrant Agenda in Europe
Putting up Cooperatives
Organizing Migrant Domestic Workers

20:00 Cultural Evening, Barcelona Hall in DJH, Jugendherberge Köln-Deutz

Sunday, October 28
Plenary Session – Babaylan Network
11:00 to 12:00 Closing Ceremonies

*Gender Issues: How we as migrant women are affected not only in the
familial context but also in the social, cultural and economic aspects as
can also be seen in the development discussions. Paano ako bilang
babaeng migranteng nakakatulong sa ikauunlad ng Pilipinas at sa
pamumuhay natin sa Europa.

For Details: Call: Babaylan Germany 02234.965733/35,

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Workshop in Hamburg: Migrant Domestic Work

Workshop: Organising between autonomy and care crisis
Migrant domestic work: Critical review and perspectives of collective action

7 – 8 September 2007 in Hamburg, Curio-Haus

Who is cleaning and ironing at home and takes care for children, granny
and the cats? If the nation’s key players do not accomplish this work
migrant domestic workers step in. It is talked of a future growth industry.
In Germany today there are about four million employments in private
households. This boom is borne by the workers:Their frequently informal
status produces a high risk of exploitation and vulnerability. Under these
conditions defence seems difficult – but still domestic workers have
developed tactics and strategies of resistance and have in other European
countries even found trade union like interest groups.

Meanwhile even in Germany diverse research projects have brought to light
the hyper-precarious modes of existence in the field of migrant domestic
work and care work. However, it has become silent around the political
networking and public actions among other things by migrant self-
organisations which engaged in this topic some years ago. We again take
this as a course for rethinking forms of organisation and intervention. The
workshop is therefore aimed at persons and groups who work or have
worked socially, politically or culturally towards an improvement of the
situation of domestic workers. Starting from the different approaches of
migrant self organisation,we will discuss the contradictions between the
fight for rights, the interests of domestic workers and institutional agency:

Which topics are in the focus of self organisation? How does the question of
interest representation in the field of (domestic) work relate to other areas
of life? Which political perspectives and claims are there? Which alliances
are regarded possible? Does the discussion about precarisation open up
new spaces or are specific conditions of domestic work or care work (again)
not taken into account? How does the claim for global social rights and
legalisation relate to the necessary redistribution of essential societal work?

The organiser's backgrounds and orientations are different: They come from
scientific and activist projects; their standpoints are feminist, focussed on
migration and/or work policy. Some of them hope for a discussion on
precarisation and the networks developing from it. The others are wondering
why there is no relevant feminist movement critically encountering the
devaluation of care work.
The marginalisation of care work is an outcome of capitalist locational
policy. But in which practices does this result? We are curiously looking at
discussions within trade unions, in which they articulate their interest in
those workers who do not count to their traditional clientele. The workshop
shall contribute to thinking and acting outside one's movement's boxes.

The workshop can and should be the start for further local, federal
and/or European networking. A registration for the workshop is requested.

* The workshop is a co-operation between three projects: The project
„Precarisation and Collective Organising“ („Prekarisierung und kollektive
Organisierung“ funded by the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation) and Preclab
Hamburg and the European project „Integration of female migrant domestic
workers“ (Sabine Hess, University of Munich and Mone Spindler,
Institute for Social Infrastructure, Frankfurt am Main)


Friday, 7 September 2007
Individual capacities of action and collective organising – contradictions and
perspectives in local initiatives
- Mujeres sin Fronteras (Hamburg)
- Luzenir Caixeta (MAIZ, Linz)
Afterwards Buffet and
- Clips from the documentary film „Haus – Halt – Hilfe“ (Petra Valentin, 2006)
- Documentary "Ibasura! Down down!- Philippine women working as
domestic helpers in Hong Kong" (Antje Grez, 2007)

Saturday, 8 September 2007
10.15 – 12.30
Global social rights and redistribution of essential societal work?
Experiences and perspectives of self-organising and in institutions
- Respect Berlin
- Respect Europe
- Mary Lou U. Hardillo-Werning (Philippine Women’s Forum e.V. BABAYLAN)

Coffee break
12.45- 14.15
The state’s and others’ interests in good care and integration
- Barbara Thiessen (German Youth Institute, DJI, Munich): Critical reflection
of so far attempts to regularise house and care work
- Helma Lutz (University of Muenster, Germany): The new European market
for migrant domestic work. Requirements for a gender and migration aware
- Hannes Heiler (Selbst e.V., Frankfurt): Contradictions between movements
of disabeld persons and the fight for rights of domestic workers?

Lunch break
15.15 – 16.45
Perspectives of organising within and outside trade unions
- Janette Vallejo Santes (AMIC-UGT, Barcelona)
- Emilija Mitrovic (ver.di-AK undokumentiertes Arbeiten, Hamburg)
- Kate Roberts (Kalayaan, London)

Coffee break
17.00 – 18.30
Repolitisation of domestic work and care work. Where are possible alliances?
- Zagas Berlin (PILOT-Projekt)
- Efthimia Panagiotidis (euromayday, organizing, Hamburg) etc.

Please register until 29 August 2007 via email or fax with:
Mone Spindler, ISIS Institut fuer Soziale Infrastruktur
Kasseler Str. 1a, D-60486 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: 0049-(0)69-26486514, Fax: 0049-(0)69-26486519

Registration for the workshop:
Organising between autonomy and care crisis
Migrant domestic work: Critical review and perspectives of collective action

7 – 8 September 2007
Curio-Haus, Rothenbaumchaussee 15 (backyard), 20148 Hamburg, Germany

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Internationales Begegnungsfest in Bonn

"Would you like to taste exotic food, hear foreign music and
learn about unknown culture? Then come to this ' learning
by playing' international festival in Rheinaue in Bonn on
September 1, 2007," reads the invitation to this
yearly international summer festival in Bonn.
Some 90 associations including NGOs and institutions
participated in this year festival of food, cultural
shows and information at the Freizeitspark Rheinaue Bonn
on September 1, 2007.
And as in every year, the most represented country
is the Philippines with stalls and stands of food offering
fingergoodies from from grilled tilapia to lechon.
"A taste of home, once a year", commented one Pinay
while searching for delicacies to go and found chicharon
(cracklings) and bought one plastic glass of halo-halo,
pichi-pichi and a serving of rice with sisig.

Cooking with style!

Eating Tilapia ala Kamayan

Were you looking for our booth?

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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Philippinen-Forum NRW Sommerfest 2007

The first Philippinen-Forum NRW Sommerfest was
held in Düsseldorf-Gerresheim at the Evangelische
Gemeindezentrum of Gustav-Adolf-Kirche on August 25, 2007.
An ecumenical service led by Rev. Joy de la Cruz and
Fr. Jun de Ocampo, SVD started the day activities.

Rev. Joy de la Cruz

Fr. Jun de Ocampo, SVD

I would like to share with you the prayer of celebration
for this Ecumenical Service.

Call to Celebration:

Leader: We have gathered to rejoice in our oneness in Jesus
Christ. Each of us experiences faith and life in a unique way.
People: Yet we have one God, one faith, one baptism and one
Spirit who unites us all.
Leader: Let us lift our hearts as one, in songs of praise, in
prayer, in listening to God`s Word and be united in this
celebration as we light this candle that symbolizes God`s presence
in our midst.

Song: "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty"

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty the King of Creation
All my soul praise him for he is your health and salvation
Let all who hear now to his temple draw near
Joining in glad adoration..

Praise to the Lord, who uniquely and splendidly made you
Gave you good health and strength and in your daily walk led you.
All your need, God in his mercy who would meet
Under his wings he would shade you.

Praise to the Lord, who will prosper you and defend you
Surely his goodness and mercy shall daily attend you
Ponder anew, what the Almighty can do
If with his love he befriends you.

Call to Repentance:

Leader: Let us join in our prayers of Repentance to God:
*Forgive us Lord, that our actions have not matched our words.

People: Have mercy on us Lord and hear our prayer to you.

*We claim to believe in community, but separate ourselves
from others in our daily life and ministry.
*We affirm our belief in God and the unity of the church,
yet refuse to make the changes needed to accomplish that oneness.
*We proclaim Christian hope yet we are not ready to participate
in the task of transformation in the world which is full of destruction,
injustice and disunity.

Assurance of Forgiveness:

*God has forgiven us through Jesus Christ our sins, Let us walk
with God in faith and thanksgiving.

First Reading: James 1:22-27

Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man
who observes his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself
and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But he who
looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being
no hearer that forgets but a doer that acts, he shall be blessed in
his doing.
If anyone thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but
deceives his heart, this man`s religion is vain. Religion that is pure
and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and
widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
The Word of the Lord.

Gospel: Matthew 12:46-50

While he was still speaking to the people, behold, his mother and his brothers
stood outside, asking to speak to him. But he replied to the men who told
him, "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?"
And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, "Here are my
mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in
heaven is my brother, and sister, and mother."
The Gospel of the Lord.


Prayer of Intercession:
* for victims of war and calamaties
*for people who are sick and hungry
*for all churches and church leaders
*for the government and its officials
Response to every prayer: Lord, have mercy.

Prayer: Our Father

Song: "Pananagutan"

Walang sinuman ang nabubuhay para sa sarili lamang
Walang sinuman ang namamatay para sa sarili lamang

Ref: Tayong lahat ay may pananagutan sa isa´t isa
Tayong lahat ay pinili ng Dios na kapiling niya.

Sa ating pagmamahalan at paglilingkod sa kanino man
Tayo ay nagdadala ng balita ng kaligtasan.

Sabay-sabay ngang mag-aawitan ang mga bansa
Tayo ay tinuring ng Panginoon bilang mga anak.

The Jubilee Song

It`s a time of joy, a time of peace
A time when hearts are then set free
A time to heal the wounds of division
It`s a time of grace, a time of hope.

A time of sharing the gifts we have
A time to build the world that is one.

Ref: It`s time to give thanks to the Father, Son and the Spirit
And with Mary our Mother, we sing this song.

Open your hearts to the Lord and begin to see the mystery
That we are all together in one family
No more walls, no more chains
No more selfishness and closed doors
for we are in the fullness of God`s time
It is the time of the great jubilee.

It is a time of prayer, a time of praise
A time to lift our praise to God
A time to recall our graces
It is time to touch
A time to reach to those hearts that often wander
A time to bring them back to God`s embrace.

A Photo Reportage

Pfrin. Cornelia Oßwald

Consul Edgar Thomas Auxilian

Participation of Babaylanes Germany,
Philippine Women`s Forum e.V.

Honorarkonsul Heinz-Peter Heidrich visiting
the info table of Butuan Foundation with
Consul Edgar Thomas Auxilian and Carmelita

Kim and Bernd

Nina and Sophia waiting for the Games for Children
Nina: What games do you have for children?
ML: We have pulboron eating games.
Nina: Is that a game for children?
ML: Hmmmm, ah, ah, oo, yes sa Pilipinas, oo.

Eating, talking, watching, applauding part of
the audience

A Number of Visayan Songs

Bärbel of the Mispa Foundation of Mindanao

Part of the Preparatory Team
From left to right:
Jeannette, Carmelita, Tess, Mary Lou with

Pfrin. Cornelia Oßwald (Gastgeberin)
Consul Edgar Thomas Auxilian, Bonn
Fr. Jun de Ocampo, SVD, St. Agustin

Tanz- Wuppertaler Gruppe

Honorarkonsul Heinz-Peter Heidrich, Essen
Bernd Nilles (MGFFI), Düsseldorf
Dietmar Fischer (Eine-Welt-Netz NRW), Münster

Lieder von Esther Briggs und Vater "Bol-anon" Nottuln
Dagmar Eberhard/Film zum Streik der Toyotaarbeiter
Tänze-Bol-anon sa Germany, Nottuln

Tanz - Wuppertaler Gruppe
Beitrag von Philipp Bück/Philippinenbuero, Essen
Lieder - Krefeld

Tanz - Bagobo - Frau Evelyn Gucor
Beitrag von AHW e.V. Beate Steffens, Rheine
Lieder - Larna Steur, Butuan Global Foundation Europe, Duisburg

Beitrag von Mary Lou U. Hardillo, Babaylan, The Philippine
Women`s Network in Europe
Gesang - Medley-Tanz, Düsseldorf

Moderation: Rizal Victoria

Das Vorbereitungsteam:

Susan Sacay-Schröder (Filipino-German Community in Düsseldorf),
Mary Lou U. Hardillo (Babaylan, The Philippine Women`s Network
in Europe), Jeannette R. Hodes (Filipino-German Community in
Düsseldorf), Tessie Wilms (Bohol Hilfe sa Alemanya, Wuppertal),
Carmelita Woitecki (Butuan Global Fondation Europe, Duisburg),
Antje Pannenbecker (Philippinenbuero, Essen), Dietmar Fischer
(Eine Welt Netz, NRW, Münster), Bernd Schütze (Amt für MÖVe,

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Philippinen-Forum NRW Sommerfest 2007

Saturday, 25 August 2007
12.00 to 20:00
Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Düsseldorf-Gerresheim
Heyerstrasse 93


Ab 12:00 Uhr - Anreise
Philippinische Erfrischungen
(kleine Speisen und Getränke)

13:00 Uhr, Ökumenische Andacht
mit Rev. Joy dela Cruz und Fr. Jun de Ocampo, SVD
in der Gustav-Adolf-Kirche

14.00 Uhr: Eröffnung des Sommerfestes
mit Grußwortens des Landes, NRW, der philippinischen Botschaft
und den Organisatoren

14:30 Uhr: Zeit zum Kennenlernen
Vorstellung der Aktionstische und Ausstellungen
Philippinische Speisen und Getränke

ab 15.30 Uhr: Kultur und Informationsprogramm mit
Tänzen, Musik and Liedern aus den Philippinen
Beiträge zur aktuellen Situationen auf den Philippinen,
Präsentation der neuen Ausstellung "Armut unter Palmen",
Vorstellung von Nord-Süd-Projekten
Zeit für Gespräche, Diskussionen und Austausch
Lustiges Kinderprogramm

ab 19:30 Uhr Verabschiedung

20:00 Ende des Sommerfestes
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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Certificate of Recognition for Philippine Women's Forum e.V.

A Certificate of Recognition goes to Philippine Women´s Forum e.V.
for its civil engagement. The certificate of acknowledgement and gratitude
was given by Mr. Fritz Schramma, Mayor of the City of Cologne on
June 14, 2007.

Philippine Women´s Forum e.V. a recognized non-profit organization
is the official country member of Babaylan, The Philippine Women's
Network in
Europe. PWF initiates another all women migrant group
called Babaylanes Internationales.

If you are interested in joining our network or supporting our
projects, please email or call us. Donation to our Verein/Organization
is tax-deductible: (Spenden an unseren Verein sind steuerlich absetzbar.)
Philippine Women's Forum e.V.
Postbank NL Koeln
Konto Nr. 334368506
BLZ: 370 100 50

For further information:

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Monday, July 02, 2007

Book Launch In De Olde World:Views of Filipino Migrants in Europe

The Philippine Social Science Council
and the
Philippine Migration Research Network (PMRN)
cordially invite you to a
of PMRN's 7th Publication
In De Olde World: Views of Filipino Migrants in Europe
Frank Lynch Resource Center
Philippine Social Science Center
Commonwealth Ave. Diliman, Quezon City
on Wednesday, 04. July. 2007, 2:00pm to 4:00pm

Congratulations to Ms. Filomenita Hoegsholm from Denmark for
editing this important book on migration of Filipinas and
Filipinos in Europe. Views are shared by some Babaylanes in Europe
making the book as another important contribution of Babaylan in
in the studies of Philippine women migration to Europe.

For further info about the book, please email

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Grill and Meet Summer 2007

One summer ago, we met, grilled, and I posted my first
entry for this Babaylanes Internationales blogs.
This time we planned to hold our meeting for the
invited pwf members but food was so tempting
we ended up chewing and not meeting.
It coincided with the birthday celebration of our
dear Elda who prepared all sorts of grill stuffs
with the help of her sister Elsa and assistance
from Edith and Cora.
Other regular picknickers were missing the summery
fun as some are still enjoying real sun in the home country
or as of writing are still confused how to follow
their navis to the direction of the Schrebergarten
named Hope.
Happy Birthday, Elda!

From the Eat and Meet Women

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Babaylan's Basic Women's Orientation Training

Babaylan Interim Committee: Malu, Adora,
Nitnit, Marlou. Lina not in Photo.

A Weekend of Basic Women’s Orientation Training in Germany

15 Filipinas representing the different European country member
organizations of Babaylan, The Philippine Women’s Network in Europe
participated in this year’s Basic Women’s Orientation Training held in
Kohlhof near Mannheim, Germany on June 1-4, 2007. The weekend training
was organized by Babaylan Interim Committee.

The participants shared experiences and discussed issues concerning
gender while enjoying some alternative group exercises in determining
factors which influence gender and gender bias i.e. what attributes are
associated with the word BABAE and LALAKE, what is gender
stereotyping, commodification and marginalization of women, reproduction
and production and sexual division of labour.

As a part of the year long celebration of the 15th anniversary of Babaylan
Europe, the training coincided with the meeting of the country
representatives of the network. They discussed the result of congress and
assessment of the network held in Landquart, Switzerland on
September 22-24, 2006 and planned a series of activities to be carried
both by the local and Europe-wide members for the year 2007-2008.

After the seminar, the participants visited the shrine of Dr. Jose Rizal in
Wilhemsfeld and the city of Heidelberg.

Babaylan Network is planning to hold its bi-annual Conference and
Congress with the theme Gender, Migration and Development this coming
October either in Switzerland or Germany.

For interested Filipinas, please contact local Babaylan in your country or email:

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Monday, June 04, 2007

Kirchentag 2007 in Cologne

Kirchentag 2007
6 - 10 June, 2007
Köln, Germany
living, active and sharper
(Hebrews 4:12)

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Babaylan Europe Country Representatives Meeting and Training

Babaylan, The Philippine Women' s Network in Europe is holding
its Country Representatives meeting with a Basic Women's
Orientation Training for network members this coming weekend
June 1 - 3, 2007
in Kohlhof, near Mannheim.

This is a part of Babaylan Europe-wide activities in
celebrating its 15th year of networking with the theme:

Migration, Gender and Development

If interested in membership to the network, please inquire
from your country Babaylan member organizations.
For Germany: please email