A Certificate of Recognition goes to Philippine Women´s Forum e.V.
for its civil engagement. The certificate of acknowledgement and gratitude
was given by Mr. Fritz Schramma, Mayor of the City of Cologne on
June 14, 2007.
Philippine Women´s Forum e.V. a recognized non-profit organization
is the official country member of Babaylan, The Philippine Women's
Network in Europe. PWF initiates another all women migrant group
called Babaylanes Internationales.
If you are interested in joining our network or supporting our
projects, please email or call us. Donation to our Verein/Organization
is tax-deductible: (Spenden an unseren Verein sind steuerlich absetzbar.)
Philippine Women's Forum e.V.
Postbank NL Koeln
Konto Nr. 334368506
BLZ: 370 100 50
For further information:
Email: Babaylanesinternationales@gmail.com